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IMPORTANT - Monday 6 January 25 - School Closure to KS3
Dear Parents/Carers,
Notification of Partial School Closure for Monday 6 January
I am writing to inform you that due to a boiler issue in the Dolphin Block, which has affected the heating in the Science and MB classrooms, the school will be closed to Year 7, Year 8, and Year 9 students on Monday 6 January. This decision has been made following health and safety advice and is necessary to ensure the wellbeing of our students and staff.
However, the school will remain open as usual for Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, and Year 13 students. These students are expected to attend school at the normal start time of 8:35 am on Monday 6 January.
Support for Eligible Students
We recognise that some students may require additional support. Therefore, students in Years 7, 8, and 9 who are eligible for Pupil Premium, have SEND, hold an EHCP, or are identified as LAC (Looked After Children) or PLAC (Previously Looked After Children) may attend school on this day. We may also be able to offer some families additional support. Please note that these arrangements can only be made if students are registered in advance.
To register your child for attendance on Monday 6 January, please use the registration link provided at the bottom of this letter.
Support for Free School Meals Students
We are able to offer FSM students a packed lunch on the day but they will need to come into school at lunch time to collect it. If your child would like to use this facility, please register using the same link below.
We are working to resolve the heating issue as quickly as possible and are optimistic that all students will return to their regular classrooms on Tuesday 7 January. We appreciate your understanding and support during this time.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Registration Link:
https://forms.office.com/e/zTdRR9dXx3 (please click link or copy and paste into your browser).
Thank you for your continued cooperation, please also find a link here to a welcome back to school letter to all families.
Yours sincerely
Vanetta Spence
Montpelier High School